Giving With a Joyous Heart!

Responsible Stewardship: We take our responsibility to wisely steward God’s money very seriously. Your gift is not only a deeply spiritual act of worship between you and God, but it is an act of trust that you have extended to us. We are committed to a high degree of accountability with the finances of the church.

Responsible Tithing: Responsible tithing involves giving a portion of your income to support your church or community while ensuring that your personal financial needs and obligations are met. It reflects a balance between faith-based generosity and wise stewardship of resources. Tithing responsibly encourages consistent giving without causing financial strain, fostering both personal and communal growth.

Cashapp: $reunitechurch1

2220 Cresthill Drive West | Southaven MS 63113

If you prefer, you can give during one of our Weekly Celebrations by filling out a giving envelope and placing it in one of the Tithe & Offering Boxes. You can use this envelope to give by cash or check

Deuteronomy 14:22 Make an offering of ten percent, a tithe, of all the produce which grows in your fields year after year.